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NEFCO’s partnership  with Russell Supply will allow us to be more efficient and offer a more expanded product offering with faster delivery.
Russell Supply carries all major Brands of Tools and Equipment. We have been serving Vermont contractors to handymen for over 40 years!
Sharpening Service and Stocking Tool Repair Service available.

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We now offer S.H.A.R.P. Products

Search NEFCO site to see what is available, most items are one day out. We will still offer a great line up of excellent woodworking, construction & industrial products.

NEFCO/Russell Supply Corp

will never compromise on the quality, service and overall value that we provide to our customers. We are dedicated to the continued improvement of our product lines that we represent while utilizing innovative approaches and the highest levels of technology to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers.

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Russell Supply, NEFCO Supplier
Average rating:  
 1 reviews
 by Jason Colby

I love this store and its customers.

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